Jump Jam's number one priority is for all our guests to have fun in a safe environment.
We have a tightly managed and monitored health & safety system, developed around industry best practice.
Safety is our number one priority and we have a record we are proud of.
Our staff are all fully trained and undertake regular re-assessment to ensure continuous improvement.
Jump Jam is an extreme sports facility, and as such, injuries can happen. Like all sports, participants need to decide if the benefits of involvement are worth the risk of injury.
It is really important for all participants to understand and follow our house rules and safety guidelines, and to bounce within their own ability.
The Jump Jam Court Marshals are on hand to try and ensure that all rules and safety procedures are adhered to and, as such, they operate our yellow and red card system.
Any participant seen endangering themselves or others will be given a yellow card and an appropriate warning.
Any subsequent offending behaviour will result in the participant being given a red card, where they will be asked to leave the Jump Arena and not allowed to return to any session that day.
If an action is considered extremely dangerous then the Court Marshals reserve the right to issue an immediate red card. Their decision is final!
Our duty of care – we provide clear safety briefings and have clear rules on what is expected by our guest in the park. We expect guests age of 6+ to be able to abide by the rules and parents are expected to judge and guide their children in their ability to behave and act appropriately. Children under 6 are expected to follow the rules as an adult must supervise them at all times and ensure this. If you feel your child is unable to follow these rules for whatever reason. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO PARTICIPATE.
Our marshals are there to help enforce our rules where they see them being infringed however this does not mean that we offer complete supervision and monitoring services to all areas of the park at all times. Areas like the cardio wall and dodgeball are monitored from time to time but are not permanently manned as there is a lower risk associated with the activity unlike our climbing wall area which is high risk for example.
If a rule is being infringed do not spot it or act on it. We try and keep people safe and act within the rules but this is the responsibility of each individual guest. Any injury caused by another guest not following the rules will need to be taken up with that offending individual as it happens.
Park Rules
Socks with rubber grips MUST be worn at ALL TIMES – No bare feet (these are available to buy at reception, but feel free to wear your own but they must be trampoline park branded and in good condition and "grippy")
Always watch out for other bouncers/Jumpers, bounce within your abilities and follow the rules!
Only ONE bouncer per trampoline
NO double bouncing (bouncing someone else higher)
NO climbing on the walls
NO wrestling, tackling or shoving
NO leaning or climbing on netting
NO sitting or lying on the trampoline mats or foam pads
NO mobile phones or cameras on the bounce arena
NO food, drink or chewing gum allowed on the bounce arena
NO bouncing under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Do not attempt any jump beyond your own skill level
Remove all items from your pockets before entering the bounce arena
NO keys, keychains, sharp or pointed items on the bounce arena
NO belt buckles or studs on clothing. We also recommend the removal of all jewellery
DO NOT leave clothing on the bounce arena, use the lockers provided
Jump Tower Rules
You are not permitted to jump into the Big Bag under the Jump Tower unless you are using this feature.
You must be at least 1.2m tall to use this feature.
A maximum of ONE participant can use this feature at the same time.
Jump within your abilities. Do not attempt any jump beyond your skill level.
Only land on your bottom or back.
Exit the Big Bag safely and quickly.
NO GAINERS OR BACKFLIPS OR BACKWARDS SOMERSAULTS- (A gainer is the acrobatic trick of performing a backwards somersault while still moving forward. In diving, this is known as reverse rotation (as opposed to front, back, or inward) into the Air Bag.
Follow all rules as highlighted in park rules
Walk the Wall Rules
You must be 1.2m tall to use this feature.
Only use this feature when instructed to do so by a Court Marshall.
A maximum of 1 participant can use this feature at a time.
During busy periods the Court Marshall will apply a time restriction per user.
Bounce within your abilities. Do not attempt any jump beyond your skill level.
Follow all rules as highlighted in park rules.
Dodgeball Rules
A maximum of 20 participants can use this feature at a time.
Jump within your abilities and do not attempt any jump beyond your skill level.
During busy periods the Court Marshall may apply a time restriction per game, if a game is being run.
You are not allowed to kick the balls on this feature, if caught kicking you will be ask to leave.
No face shots are allowed on this feature, but please be aware accidents can happen.
Follow all rules as highlighted on the orange park rules boards.
Tumble Track Rules
Allow participants to exit the Big Bag before your jump.
Jump within your abilities and do not attempt any jump beyond your skill level.
A maximum of 1 participant can use this feature at a time – 1 per tumble track.
Exit the big bag quickly, safely, and to the side of the feature on the carpet.
Follow all rules as highlighted in park rules.
Air Bag Safety
Only ever jump into the Air Bag FEET FIRST – never dive in!
NO GAINERS (A gainer is the acrobatic trick of performing a backwards somersault while still moving forward. In diving, this is known as reverse rotation (as opposed to front, back, or inward) into the Air Bag.
Ensure your pockets are empty
We recommend that you remove all jewellery
Allow participants to exit the pit before jumping inTake care to land on your feet, bottom or back
Exit the pit as quickly as possible
Do not bury yourself or others in the pit
Any items lost in the foam pit cannot be retrieved until scheduled maintenance
Slam Dunk Nets
No grabbing or hanging from the hoops
Jump Safe
Our terms and conditions outline the risks inherit in high-octane trampoline activity.
Anyone attending Jump Jam is deemed to have accepted these conditions prior to jumping.
Like most sporting activities, trampolining creates the potential for injury even when done properly and following appropriate rules and guidelines.
Our rules and safety guidelines have been developed in conjunction with recognised safety experts with the specific direction to meet or exceed industry best practice.
Based on the trampoline manufacturer’s safety standards, the weight limit for an individual jumper at Jump Jam is 120kg or 18 Stone.
Our policy is to recommend that anyone with individual weight-related concerns consult a physician and receive medical clearance for rigorous physical activity on an unstable surface before engaging in trampoline jumping at Jump Jam.
Warm up - most injuries occur when you don't.
Grip Socks
Anyone jumping at Jump Jam is required to wear our approved grip-socks designed to help maximise grip, and for general safety and hygiene purposes.
Safety Briefing
One of our primary safety principles is ensuring jumpers do not attempt any activity beyond their skill level.
It’s important that all jumpers pay full attention to the points highlighted by our safety briefing prior to entering the trampoline arena.
We encourage and welcome any feedback that helps us continue to develop a fun, safe environment for our guests.
Please feel free to speak directly to one of our team or alternatively, email us at
Please know and accept the risks.
Follow the rules and take care.
Keep within your limits, look out for others and most of all, have fun!